Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Writing Resolutions

Oh my, has it really been a few months since my last post?  Quite a few things have happened since then:
  1. Moved back to Pensacola for the time being,
  2. Failed NaNo (but I did get nearly 30k out of the deal),
  3. Met some inspirational kids at work,
  4. New 2013 goals...well, they're not really all that new...
  5. Got some great crafty tools.
Today, I have decided to make the most out of my new Pomodoro app for my spiffy new Windows phone.  I am excited to get writing again and I figure that this will be a wonderful way to stay motivated and be productive.  I've also filled my Kindle with as many books as it can hold.  Stephen King said that a writer needs to spend at least six hours writing and reading every day.  I am up for that challenge!  If I really want to be a writer (as a career), then I need to get serious about my efforts.

My hometown writer's group (WritersForPetesSake) has declared January as our JaNoWriMo since we were all too busy to get the most out of last November.  I'm also up for this challenge!

I have also signed up for another year of the Year of Continuous Writing Challenge (YoCW).  Last year, my efforts dwindled to nearly nothing by December but I am determined to make 2013 more productive!

All of these things will hopefully help motivate me to keep and achieve my 2013 Writing Resolutions:
  1. Finish a novel and send it out to publishers/editors/agents,
  2. Get published (again) in 2013,
  3. Hone my craft by practicing consistently,
  4. Establish a writing routine
 What are your 2013 Writing Resolutions?


  1. Yaay! You can do it and we can all put your book in your shelves. That would be so satisfying.

    1. Yes, it would. :) I can't wait to put your books on my shelves. In my mind, they would be leather bound and when I open them, they would crack and give off that splendiforous new book smell.
